The Moment Seizes Us: Study abroad in Turku, Finland

February - Moi & Kittos

The first two Finnish words I learned was Moi (Hi) and Kittos (Thank you). I was able to navigate the city’s coffee shops and restaurants with those two words with friends from the tutor group. We spent a lot of time in the Expresso House near Turku city center, discovered mutual love toward sushi and Mexican food, and took a lot of random walks next to the river of Turku in the cold air. 

The conversations and connections with them were my sources of warmth in the long, cold, and dark winter. I have always been an introvert and did not think that I would find close friendships during my time in Turku. I pathetically imagined that I would have difficulty to relate to others in a short time. However, I forgot that friendships occur unexpectedly, and those are always the best ones.

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